package socketio import ( "bytes" "testing" . "" ) func TestTrimWriter(t *testing.T) { var inputs []string var target string var trim string test := func() { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) w := newTrimWriter(buf, trim) for _, str := range inputs { _, err := w.Write([]byte(str)) So(err, ShouldBeNil) } So(buf.String(), ShouldEqual, target) } Convey("Trim nothing", t, func() { inputs = []string{"1234", "2234"} target = "12342234" trim = "" test() }) Convey("Trim something", t, func() { trim = "34" Convey("Something at the end of final packet", func() { inputs = []string{"1234", "2234"} target = "123422" test() }) Convey("Something at the multiple packets", func() { inputs = []string{"1234", "3434"} target = "12" test() }) Convey("Something in the middle of packets", func() { inputs = []string{"1234", "3434", "5678"} target = "123434345678" test() }) Convey("Something in the middle and end of packets", func() { inputs = []string{"1234", "3434", "5678", "9034"} target = "12343434567890" test() }) }) }