# opengular ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-Javascript-blue) A declarative two-way data binding library for Javascript. The best way to determine if you understand something, is to reimplement it from memory. ## Features - Angular.JS-style controller/scope/directive concepts, using hierarchal dirty scope checking - Bind directive, supporting div/spans and two-way support for text inputs - Click directive, with argument support loaded from current scope - Repeat directive, with $index support and mutation protection - Comes in at 300 lines (just 1.3KiB minified and gzipped) with no `eval()` tricks - Permissive ISC license - Depends on jQuery, but should work fine with API-compatibile substitutions like Zepto or jqLite ## Changelog 2015-10-18 1.0 - Initial public release - [⬇️ opengular-1.0.tar.xz](dist-archive/opengular-1.0.tar.xz) *(30.71 KiB)*