
2117 lines
59 KiB

package main
import (
func nodeTypeString(n node.Node) string {
return reflect.TypeOf(n).String()
type parseErr struct {
n node.Node
childErr error
func (pe parseErr) Error() string {
positionStr := ""
if posn := pe.n.GetPosition(); posn != nil {
positionStr = fmt.Sprintf(" on line %d", posn.StartLine)
return fmt.Sprintf("Parsing %s%s: %s", nodeTypeString(pe.n), positionStr, pe.childErr.Error())
func (pe parseErr) Unwrap() error {
return pe.childErr
type conversionState struct {
currentClassName string
currentClassParentName string
currentErrHandler string
currentFunctionName string
currentMethodName string
currentNamespace string
currentTraitName string // TODO
importPackages map[string]struct{}
func normaliseCommentStrFragment(s string) string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return s
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
for i, _ := range lines {
lines[i] = strings.TrimLeft(lines[i], "\t\r\n ")
if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], `//`) {
lines[i] = lines[i][2:]
return `/* ` + strings.TrimRight(strings.Join(lines, "\n"), "\n") + `*/`
func normaliseCommentStr(s string) string {
// A comment may be injected at any point in the source tree
// It's not necessarily valid to use line comments (`//`) mid-AST
// Avoid the problem by unconditionally transforming to range comments (`/**/`)
extents := strings.Split(s, `/*`)
ret := make([]string, 0, len(extents)*2)
for _, extent := range extents {
parts := strings.SplitN(extent, `*/`, 2) // any further */ after this has no effect
if len(parts) == 1 {
// No range comment, only line comment/whitespace
// Transform single range only
ret = append(ret, normaliseCommentStrFragment(parts[0]))
} else { // len(parts) == 2
// Range comment part is OK
// Only second middle part needs normalising
ret = append(ret, parts[0], normaliseCommentStrFragment(parts[1]))
return strings.Join(ret, "")
func (this *conversionState) convert(n node.Node) (string, error) {
// Get any whitespace/comments attached to this node
// FIXME we are not calling convert() on some interior nodes of statements - some comments may be lost(!!)
freePrefix := ""
freeSuffix := ""
if ff := n.GetFreeFloating(); ff != nil && !ff.IsEmpty() {
for positionType, elements := range *ff {
for _, element := range elements {
if element.StringType == freefloating.TokenType {
// Skip <?php
continue element
if element.StringType == freefloating.WhiteSpaceType {
// We can't insert arbitrary whitespace
// TODO the number of newlines would be fine ONLY IF this is a *stmt
continue element
switch positionType {
case freefloating.Start:
freePrefix += element.Value
case freefloating.End, freefloating.AltEnd:
freeSuffix += element.Value
// Convert the node itself
ret, err := this.convertNoFreeFloating(n)
if err != nil {
return "", err
//if len(freePrefix) > 0 && !(strings.HasSuffix(freePrefix, "\n") || strings.HasSuffix(freePrefix, `*/`)) {
// freePrefix += "\n"
freePrefix = normaliseCommentStr(freePrefix)
freeSuffix = normaliseCommentStr(freeSuffix)
return freePrefix + ret + freeSuffix, nil
func (this *conversionState) convertNoFreeFloating(n_ node.Node) (string, error) {
switch n := n_.(type) {
// node
case *node.Root:
// Hoist all declarations first, and put any top-level code into a generated main() function
declarations := []string{}
statements := []string{}
packageName := `main`
for _, s := range n.Stmts {
switch s := s.(type) {
case *stmt.Class, *stmt.Function, *stmt.Interface:
this.currentErrHandler = "return nil, err\n"
sm, err := this.convert(s)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{s, err}
// Declaration - emit immediately (hoist)
declarations = append(declarations, sm)
case *stmt.Namespace:
if len(s.Stmts) > 0 {
return "", parseErr{s, fmt.Errorf("please use `namespace Foo;` instead of blocks")}
namespace, err := this.resolveName(s.NamespaceName)
if err != nil {
return "", err
packageName = namespace
this.currentNamespace = packageName
this.currentErrHandler = "panic(err)\n" // top-level init/main behaviour
sm, err := this.convert(s)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{s, err}
// Top-level function code - deter emission
statements = append(statements, sm)
// Emit
ret := "package main\n\n"
if len(this.importPackages) > 0 {
ret += "import (\n"
for packageName, _ := range this.importPackages {
ret += "\t" + quoteGoString(packageName) + "\n"
ret += ")\n"
if len(declarations) > 0 {
ret += strings.Join(declarations, "\n") + "\n"
if len(statements) > 0 {
topFunc := `init`
if packageName == `main` {
topFunc = `main`
ret += "func " + topFunc + "() {\n"
ret += "\t" + strings.Join(statements, "\t") // Statements already added their own newline
ret += "}\n"
return ret, nil
case *node.Identifier:
return n.Value, nil
case Literal:
// We expect literal statements to act like a *Stmt, i.e. be emitted with a trailing NL
return n.Value + "\n", nil
// stmt
case *stmt.StmtList:
// TODO keep track of variable types within this scope
ret := "{\n" // new variable scope
for _, s := range n.Stmts {
line, err := this.convert(s)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{s, err}
ret += line // Statements already added a trailing newline
return ret + "}\n", nil
case *stmt.Class:
ret := ""
prevClassName := this.currentClassName // almost certainly empty-string
prevClassParentName := this.currentClassParentName
className := n.ClassName.(*node.Identifier).Value
this.currentClassName = className
memberVars := []string{}
memberConsts := []string{}
memberFuncs := []string{}
if n.Extends != nil {
parentName, err := this.resolveName(n.Extends.ClassName)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
memberVars = append(memberVars, parentName+" // parent")
this.currentClassParentName = parentName
} else {
this.currentClassParentName = ""
// Walk all child nodes of the class
for _, s_ := range n.Stmts {
switch s := s_.(type) {
case *stmt.PropertyList:
// Class member variable
// Doc comment
// TODO scan for `@var {type}` strings
// Name
prop, ok := s.Properties[0].(*stmt.Property)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{s, fmt.Errorf("unexpected propertylist structure")}
name := prop.Variable.(*expr.Variable).VarName.(*node.Identifier).Value
// Type (unknown)
memberType := unknownVarType
// 'Modifiers' - protected public readonly ...
// prop.Modifiers
memberVars = append(memberVars, name+" "+memberType.AsGoString())
case *stmt.ClassConstList:
// Class constant
// Go doesn't have class constants - convert it to just a package const, prefixed with the const name
// TODO detect, intercept and re-reroute any future references to these consts!
// That might need a separate compiler pass
for _, c_ := range s.Consts {
c, ok := c_.(*stmt.Constant)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{c_, fmt.Errorf("expected stmt.Constant")}
name, err := applyVisibilityModifier(c.ConstantName.(*node.Identifier).Value, s.Modifiers)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{c_, err}
constExpr, err := this.convert(c.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{c.Expr, err}
memberConsts = append(memberConsts, className+name+" = "+constExpr)
case *stmt.ClassMethod:
// Function name
// If function is public/private/protected, set the first character to upper/lowercase
funcName, err := applyVisibilityModifier(s.MethodName.(*node.Identifier).Value, s.Modifiers)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{s, err}
prevMethodName := this.currentMethodName
this.currentMethodName = funcName
// TODO implement abstract methods as method functions
// Doc comment
// TODO scan for `@param {type}` strings
isConstructor := (strings.ToLower(funcName) == `__construct` || strings.ToLower(funcName) == strings.ToLower(className))
if isConstructor {
// Constructor functions get transformed to NewFoo() (*Foo, error)
// We need to force the return type
returnType := name.NewName([]node.Node{name.NewNamePart(className)})
// We also need prefix + suffix statements
allStmts := make([]node.Node, 0, 2+len(s.Stmt.(*stmt.StmtList).Stmts))
allStmts = append(allStmts, Literal{`this := &` + className + `{}`}) // TODO also insert variable type into the scope
allStmts = append(allStmts, s.Stmt.(*stmt.StmtList).Stmts...)
allStmts = append(allStmts, Literal{`return this, nil`})
// Method body
funcStmt, err := this.convertFunctionCommon(s.Params, returnType, true /* always use ptr return */, allStmts)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{s, err}
memberFuncStmt := "func " + constructorName(className) + funcStmt + "\n"
memberFuncs = append(memberFuncs, memberFuncStmt)
} else {
// Check if this is a static method
hasStatic, err := hasModifier(s.Modifiers, `static`)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{s, err}
// Method body
funcStmt, err := this.convertFunctionCommon(s.Params, s.ReturnType, s.ReturnsRef, s.Stmt.(*stmt.StmtList).Stmts)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{s, err}
if hasStatic {
memberFuncs = append(memberFuncs, "func "+className+funcName+funcStmt+"\n")
} else {
memberFuncs = append(memberFuncs, "func (this *"+className+") "+funcName+funcStmt+"\n")
// Reinstate stack
this.currentMethodName = prevMethodName
return "", parseErr{s, fmt.Errorf("Class '%s' contained unexpected AST node; expected PropertyList / ClassMethod", className)}
// Write out any class constants
if len(memberConsts) == 1 {
ret += "const " + memberConsts[0] + "\n"
} else if len(memberConsts) > 1 {
ret += "const (\n" + strings.Join(memberConsts, "\n") + ")\n"
// Create struct typedef containing all explicit properties
ret += "type " + className + " struct {\n"
ret += "\t" + strings.Join(memberVars, "\n\t") + "\n"
ret += "}\n"
// Create all member functions
ret += strings.Join(memberFuncs, "\n\n")
if n.Implements != nil {
for _, ifaceName_ := range n.Implements.InterfaceNames {
ifaceName, err := this.resolveName(ifaceName_)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{ifaceName_, err}
// Add extra interface assertion statement
ret += "var _ " + ifaceName + " = &" + className + "{} // interface assertion\n"
// Done
// Reinstate parent state before returning
this.currentClassName = prevClassName
this.currentClassParentName = prevClassParentName
return ret, nil
case *stmt.Interface:
ifaceName := n.InterfaceName.(*node.Identifier).Value
ret := "type " + ifaceName + " interface {\n"
for _, ss := range n.Stmts {
classMethod, ok := ss.(*stmt.ClassMethod)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{ss, fmt.Errorf("expected stmt.ClassMethod")}
methodName, err := applyVisibilityModifier(classMethod.MethodName.(*node.Identifier).Value, classMethod.Modifiers)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{ss, err}
// TODO classMethod.PhpDocComment
arglist, err := this.convertFunctionCommon(classMethod.Params, classMethod.ReturnType, classMethod.ReturnsRef, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{ss, err}
ret += methodName + arglist + "\n"
ret += "}\n"
return ret, nil
case *stmt.Function:
// Top-level function definition
// TODO parse doc comment
// FIXME is this the same as a closure?
funcName := n.FunctionName.(*node.Identifier).Value
if funcName == `super` {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Function name '%s' probably will not function correctly", funcName)}
// All top-level functions like this are public; ensure function name starts
// with an uppercase letter
funcName = toPublic(funcName)
// Convert body
prevFuncName := this.currentFunctionName
this.currentFunctionName = funcName
funcStmt, err := this.convertFunctionCommon(n.Params, n.ReturnType, n.ReturnsRef, n.Stmts)
if err != nil {
// FIXME an early-return will trash the `this` state around currentFunctionName, etc
// That's OK for now since we don't practically have any error handling than an unmitigated panic
return "", parseErr{n, err}
this.currentFunctionName = prevFuncName
ret := "func " + funcName + funcStmt + "\n"
return ret, nil
case *stmt.Return:
child, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
ret := "return " + child + ", nil\n"
return ret, nil
case *stmt.Throw:
// throw (expr);
// Treat as an err return
// FIXME we don't know the default return type for the function we're in
// PHP can only throw objects, not literals/scalars
// If the expr is just new Exception, we can convert it to errors.New()
//if str, ok := n.Expr.(*scalar.String); ok {
// return "return nil, errors.New(" + str.Value + ")\n", nil
child, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "return nil, " + child + "\n", nil
case *stmt.For:
var preinit, finit string
var err error = nil
if len(n.Init) == 0 {
// No initialiser in loop
} else if len(n.Init) == 1 {
finit, err = this.convert(n.Init[0])
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
} else {
// We can handle the case of multiple init statements by hoisting them
// above the loop. There is no negative impact on PHP scoping rules, but
// it may cause an extra local variable after the loop that may result
// in type mismatch (can be fixed by using an extra scope).
for _, initStmt := range n.Init {
singleInitStmt, err := this.convert(initStmt)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{initStmt, err}
preinit += singleInitStmt + "\n"
if len(n.Cond) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("for loop can only have 1 cond clause, found %d", len(n.Cond))}
fcond, err := this.convert(n.Cond[0])
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
if len(n.Loop) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("for loop can only have 1 loop clause, found %d", len(n.Loop))}
loopStmt := n.Loop[0]
if preinc, ok := loopStmt.(*expr.PreInc); ok {
// It's idiomatic to do for (,, ++i) but preincrement doesn't exist in Go
// Luckily for the case of a for loop, we can just swap it to postincrement
loopStmt = expr.NewPostInc(preinc.Variable)
} else if predec, ok := loopStmt.(*expr.PreDec); ok { // Likewise
loopStmt = expr.NewPostDec(predec.Variable)
floop, err := this.convert(loopStmt)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
body, err := this.convert(convertToStmtList(n.Stmt))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return preinit + "for " + finit + "; " + fcond + "; " + floop + " " + body + "\n", nil
case *stmt.Foreach:
iterand, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
valueReceiver, err := this.convert(n.Variable)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
keyReceiver := `_`
if n.Key != nil {
keyReceiver, err = this.convert(n.Key)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
body, err := this.convert(convertToStmtList(n.Stmt))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "for " + keyReceiver + ", " + valueReceiver + " := range " + iterand + " " + body + "\n", nil
case *stmt.While:
cond, err := this.convert(n.Cond)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
body, err := this.convert(convertToStmtList(n.Stmt))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "for " + cond + " " + body + "\n", nil
case *stmt.Do:
cond, err := this.convert(n.Cond)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
bodyStmts := convertToStmtList(n.Stmt)
bodyStmts.Stmts = append(bodyStmts.Stmts, Literal{"if " + cond + "{\nbreak\n}"})
body, err := this.convert(bodyStmts)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "for " + cond + " " + body + "\n", nil
case *stmt.Expression:
// Special case
if fncall, ok := n.Expr.(*expr.FunctionCall); ok {
if fnname, err := this.resolveName(fncall.Function); err == nil && fnname == "super" {
// Call to parent constructor
if this.currentClassParentName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to parent constructor outside of class context")}
// We need to call the parent constructor function (NewX) with these arguments
funcArgs, err := this.convertFuncCallArgsCommon(fncall.ArgumentList)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// Then we need to overwrite the embedded value type with the received pointer
// That's not 100% safe in all cases if the *this pointer is leaked
// within the constructor, but, our generated code will never do that
// TODO replace our NewX constructors with split NewX + newXInPlace(??)
// No need to use a child scope for the temporary name -
// super() is a reserved name in PHP anyway
ret := "super, err := " + constructorName(this.currentClassParentName) + "(" + strings.Join(funcArgs, ", ") + ")\n"
ret += "if err != nil {\n"
ret += this.currentErrHandler //"return err\n"
ret += "}\n"
ret += "this." + this.currentClassParentName + " = *super // copy by value\n"
return ret, nil
if fnname, err := this.resolveName(fncall.Function); err == nil && fnname == "define" {
// define() gets converted to const
if len(fncall.ArgumentList.Arguments) != 2 {
return "", parseErr{fncall, fmt.Errorf("expected define() to have 2 arguments, found %d", len(fncall.ArgumentList.Arguments))}
defineName := fncall.ArgumentList.Arguments[0].(*node.Argument).Expr // that much is always possible
defineNameStr, ok := defineName.(*scalar.String)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{fncall, fmt.Errorf("can't handle a complex expression in define() name")}
rawDefineName, err := phpUnquote(defineNameStr.Value)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{fncall, err}
// Convert to a final Const statement
return this.convert(stmt.NewConstList([]node.Node{stmt.NewConstant(node.NewIdentifier(rawDefineName), fncall.ArgumentList.Arguments[1].(*node.Argument).Expr, "")}))
// Assignment expressions can take on better error-handling behaviour
// when we know the assignment is a top-level expression
if a, ok := n.Expr.(*assign.Assign); ok {
return this.convertAssignAssign(a, true)
// Non-assignment expression
child, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// If this is a simple expression (func call; indirect/method call; assignment of func/method call) then
// we need to propagate errors
switch n.Expr.(type) {
case *expr.FunctionCall, *expr.StaticCall, *expr.New:
ret := "_, err = " + child + "\n"
ret += "if err != nil {\n"
ret += this.currentErrHandler
ret += "}\n"
return ret, nil
// Some other kind of general expression - no special error handling needed
ret := child + "\n" // standalone expression statement
return ret, nil
case *stmt.Echo:
// Convert into fmt.Print
args := make([]string, 0, len(n.Exprs))
for _, expr := range n.Exprs {
exprGo, err := this.convert(expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
args = append(args, removeParens(exprGo))
this.importPackages["fmt"] = struct{}{}
return "fmt.Print(" + strings.Join(args, ", ") + ")\n", nil // newline - standalone statement
case *stmt.InlineHtml:
// Convert into fmt.Print
this.importPackages["fmt"] = struct{}{}
return "fmt.Print(" + quoteGoString(n.Value) + ")\n", nil // newline - standalone statement
case *stmt.ConstList:
consts := make([]string, 0, len(n.Consts))
for _, c_ := range n.Consts {
c, ok := c_.(*stmt.Constant)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{c_, fmt.Errorf("expected stmt.Constant")}
// TODO c.PhpDocComment
constName := c.ConstantName.(*node.Identifier).Value
rvalue, err := this.convert(c.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{c, err}
consts = append(consts, constName+" = "+rvalue)
if len(n.Consts) == 1 {
return "const " + consts[0] + "\n", nil
} else {
return "const (\n" + strings.Join(consts, "\n") + ")\n", nil
case *stmt.If:
hasCondAssign, err := hasInteriorAssignment(n.Cond)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
if hasCondAssign {
return "", parseErr{n.Cond, fmt.Errorf("please remove assignment from if-expression")}
cond, err := this.convert(n.Cond)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
body, err := this.convert(convertToStmtList(n.Stmt))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// `elseif` is a valid PHP keyword; but `else if` gets treated as `else { if ()`
// If our discovered `else` clause has exactly one child If statement,
// rewrite it as an else-if clause (and recurse)
for n.Else != nil {
els, ok := n.Else.(*stmt.Else)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("expected stmt.Else")}
elif, ok := els.Stmt.(*stmt.If)
if !ok {
break // exit loop
n.AddElseIf(stmt.NewElseIf(elif.Cond, elif.Stmt))
for _, extraElif := range elif.ElseIf {
n.Else = elif.Else // Wipe from future processing
ret := "if " + cond + body
for _, elif := range n.ElseIf {
elif, ok := elif.(*stmt.ElseIf)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("expected stmt.ElseIf")}
cond, err := this.convert(elif.Cond)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
body, err := this.convert(convertToStmtList(elif.Stmt))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
ret = strings.TrimRight(ret, "\n")
ret += " else if " + cond + body
if n.Else != nil {
els, ok := n.Else.(*stmt.Else)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("expected stmt.Else")}
body, err := this.convert(convertToStmtList(els.Stmt))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
ret = strings.TrimRight(ret, "\n")
ret += " else " + body
return ret, nil
case *stmt.Switch:
cond, err := this.convert(n.Cond)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
cases := make([]string, 0, len(n.CaseList.Cases))
for _, ncase := range n.CaseList.Cases {
switch ncase.(type) {
case *stmt.Default, *stmt.Case:
caseStr, err := this.convert(ncase)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
cases = append(cases, caseStr)
return "", parseErr{ncase, fmt.Errorf("expected Case/Default")}
// TODO use dead code elimination after `break` to clean up redundant fallthrough statements
return "switch " + cond + " {\n" + strings.Join(cases, "\n") + "}\n", nil
case *stmt.Case:
// Add a `fallthrough` to the end
// TODO then use dead code elimination to clean them up
stmtBody, err := this.convert(stmt.NewStmtList(n.Stmts))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
cond, err := this.convert(n.Cond)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "case " + cond + ":\n" + stmtBody + "\nfallthrough\n", nil
case *stmt.Default:
// Add a `fallthrough` to the end
// TODO then use dead code elimination to clean them up
stmtBody, err := this.convert(stmt.NewStmtList(n.Stmts))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "default: " + stmtBody + "\nfallthrough\n", nil
case *stmt.Break:
if n.Expr != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("break {expr} is not yet supported")} // TODO implement numbered break
return "break\n", nil
case *stmt.Continue:
if n.Expr != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("continue {expr} is not yet supported")} // TODO implement numbered continue
return "continue\n", nil
case *stmt.Try:
// Generate an if err != nil {} block that we can bring up whenever
// an error is raised in a body function call
// TODO put finally() code somewhere (before/after err checking??)
handler := ""
if len(n.Catches) == 0 {
handler = "// suppress error"
} else {
catchVars := []string{}
catchIfs := []string{}
for _, catch_ := range n.Catches {
catch, ok := catch_.(*stmt.Catch)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("expected stmt.Catch")}
catchVar := catch.Variable.(*expr.Variable).VarName.(*node.Identifier).Value
catchBody, err := this.convert(stmt.NewStmtList(catch.Stmts))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{catch_, err}
for _, typename_ := range catch.Types {
typename, err := this.resolveName(typename_)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{catch_, err}
if typename == `Exception` {
// PHP base type - catches all exceptions
catchStmt := catchBody
catchIfs = append(catchIfs, catchStmt)
} else {
tempCatchVar := catchVar
if len(catch.Types) > 1 {
tempCatchVar += "" + typename
// It's common for PHP types to have 'Exception' in the suffix
// We are probably free to elide that (stylistically)
if strings.HasSuffix(tempCatchVar, `Exception`) {
tempCatchVar = tempCatchVar[0 : len(tempCatchVar)-9]
catchVars = append(catchVars, tempCatchVar+"*"+typename)
this.importPackages["errors"] = struct{}{}
catchStmt := "if errors.As(err, &" + tempCatchVar + ") {\n"
if len(catch.Types) > 1 {
catchStmt += catchVar + " := " + tempCatchVar + " // rename\n"
catchStmt += catchBody // contains its own {}
catchStmt += "}" // but without trailing NL
catchIfs = append(catchIfs, catchStmt)
handler = ""
if len(catchVars) == 1 {
handler += "var " + catchVars[0] + "\n"
} else {
handler += "var (\n" + strings.Join(catchVars, "\n") + "\n)\n"
handler += strings.Join(catchIfs, " else ") + "\n"
// Store the handler to be used going forwards
previousErrHandler := this.currentErrHandler
this.currentErrHandler = handler
body, err := this.convert(stmt.NewStmtList(n.Stmts))
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// Reinstate parent error handler
this.currentErrHandler = previousErrHandler
return body, nil // Try/catch behaviour is transparently encoded in err handlers
case *stmt.Nop:
return "", nil
// assign
case *assign.Assign:
return this.convertAssignAssign(n, false /* no reason to believe we are a top-level statement */)
// Go has a limited set of assignment shorthands:
// ```
// assign_op = [ add_op | mul_op ] "=" .
// [...]
// add_op = "+" | "-" | "|" | "^" .
// mul_op = "*" | "/" | "%" | "<<" | ">>" | "&" | "&^" .
// ```
case *assign.BitwiseAnd:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `&=`)
case *assign.BitwiseOr:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `|=`)
case *assign.BitwiseXor:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `^=`)
case *assign.Coalesce:
// Null coaslecing assignment expression - $x ??= $y;
// We don't have a natural equivalent for the coalescing operator
// We don't have an implementation of *binary.Coalesce yet either
// But when we do this will need an rvalue transformation to use it
return this.convert(assign.NewAssign(n.Variable, binary.NewCoalesce(n.Variable, n.Expression))) // FIXME also handle position/freefloating
case *assign.Concat:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `+=`)
case *assign.Div:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `/=`)
case *assign.Minus:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `-=`)
//case *assign.Mod:
case *assign.Mul:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `*=`)
case *assign.Plus:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `+=`)
//case *assign.Pow:
//case *assign.Reference:
case *assign.ShiftLeft:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `<<=`)
case *assign.ShiftRight:
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, false, `>>=`)
// name
case *name.Name:
return this.resolveName(n)
// expr
case *expr.FunctionCall:
// All our generated functions return err, but this AST node may be in a single-rvalue context
// TODO do something more intelligent here
// We can't necessarily hoist the whole call, in case we are on the right-hand side of a && operator
// We might be calling by name, or, we might be calling by an rvalue expression
// e.g. foo()()() or $x()
// Use full conversion logic for name resolution
funcName, err := this.convert(n.Function)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
callParams, err := this.convertFuncCallArgsCommon(n.ArgumentList)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// FIXME need to support `this.currentErrHandler`
// Transform some PHP standard library functions to their Go equivalents
// TODO check namespacing for collision prevention
if funcName == `strlen` || funcName == `count` || funcName == `sizeof` {
funcName = `len`
} else if funcName == `explode` {
if len(callParams) != 2 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 2 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.Split`
callParams[0], callParams[1] = callParams[1], callParams[0] // need to reverse function argument order
} else if funcName == `implode` {
if len(callParams) != 2 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 2 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.Join`
callParams[0], callParams[1] = callParams[1], callParams[0] // need to reverse function argument order
} else if funcName == `sprintf` {
this.importPackages["fmt"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `fmt.Sprintf`
} else if funcName == `trim` {
if len(callParams) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 2 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.TrimSpace`
} else if funcName == `rtrim` {
if len(callParams) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 1 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
this.importPackages["unicode"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.TrimRightFunc`
callParams = append(callParams, `unicode.IsSpace`)
} else if funcName == `ltrim` {
if len(callParams) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 1 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
this.importPackages["unicode"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.TrimLeftFunc`
callParams = append(callParams, `unicode.IsSpace`)
} else if funcName == `strtolower` {
if len(callParams) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 2 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.ToLower`
} else if funcName == `strtoupper` {
if len(callParams) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 2 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.ToUpper`
} else if funcName == `file_put_contents` {
if len(callParams) != 2 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 2 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["io/ioutil"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `ioutil.WriteFile` // (string filename, []byte data, int perm)
callParams[1] = `[]byte(` + callParams[1] + `)`
callParams = append(callParams, `0644`) // default file permissions
} else if funcName == `str_replace` {
// str_replace( mixed $search , mixed $replace , mixed $subject [, int &$count ] )
// n.b. str_replace also supports arrays, that strings.Replace() doesn't do
if !(len(callParams) == 3 || len(callParams) == 4) {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Call to '%s' expected 3 or 4 argument(s), got %d", funcName, len(callParams))}
this.importPackages["strings"] = struct{}{}
funcName = `strings.Replace` // (s, old, new string, n int) string
callParams[0], callParams[1], callParams[2] = callParams[2], callParams[0], callParams[1]
if len(callParams) == 3 {
callParams = append(callParams, `-1`) // replaceAll
// There is a strings.ReplaceAll() added in go1.12 (2018), which is still pretty recent i.e. not in Debian Stable (buster)
return funcName + "(" + strings.Join(callParams, ", ") + ")", nil // expr only, no semicolon/newline
case *expr.StaticCall:
className, err := this.resolveName(n.Class)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
funcName, err := this.convert(n.Call)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
callTarget := className + "." + funcName
if className == "self" {
if this.currentClassName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Made a self::Static method call while not in class context")}
// We're making a static call, and we renamed those to be top-level functions
callTarget = this.currentClassName + funcName
callParams, err := this.convertFuncCallArgsCommon(n.ArgumentList)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// FIXME need to support `this.currentErrHandler`
return callTarget + "(" + strings.Join(callParams, ", ") + ")", nil // expr only, no semicolon/newline
case *expr.New:
// new foo(xx)
// Transparently convert to calling constructor function.
nn, err := this.resolveName(n.Class)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// FIXME if there is a package specifier embedded in the result name,
// the `New` will appear in the wrong place
nn = `New` + nn
// Convert resolved back to node.Name
transparentNameNode := name.NewName([]node.Node{name.NewNamePart(nn)})
return this.convert(expr.NewFunctionCall(transparentNameNode, n.ArgumentList))
case *expr.ClassConstFetch:
// We converted class constants to package-level constants
className, err := this.resolveName(n.Class)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
constName := n.ConstantName.(*node.Identifier).Value
// TODO fix up visibility modifier
// Special case: `::class` is just the string name of the class
if constName == `class` {
// This can be known statically (e.g. MyClass::class --> "MyClass") but
// isn't generally known non-statically
if _, ok := n.Class.(*name.Name); ok {
// Static
return quoteGoString(className), nil
} else if className == `self` {
return quoteGoString(this.currentClassName), nil
} else {
// Dynamic
// Translate to reflect
// this.importPackages["reflect"] = struct{}{}
// return `reflect.TypeOf(` + className + `).String()`, nil
// Actually PHP doesn't support using ::class on variables
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf(`PHP Fatal error: Dynamic class names are not allowed in compile-time ::class fetch`)}
return className + constName, nil
case *expr.Closure:
// Need to decide what to do with `this` binding
// TODO figure out what it means to use `this` in all types of nested closures
if n.Static {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("use of `static` in closure implies `this`-insensitive, but we can't make that true")}
// TODO n.PhpDocComment
// TODO n.ClosureUse
body, err := this.convertFunctionCommon(n.Params, n.ReturnType, n.ReturnsRef, n.Stmts)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "(func" + strings.TrimRight(body, " \n") + ")", nil
case *expr.Exit:
// die(0) - set process exit code and exit
// die("message") - print to stdout and exit 0
// die - exit 0
this.importPackages["os"] = struct{}{}
if n.Expr == nil {
return "os.Exit(0)", nil
child, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// Although it might have been a more complex string expression - we
// don't currently know that
// TODO type inference
switch n.Expr.(type) {
case *scalar.String:
this.importPackages["fmt"] = struct{}{}
return "fmt.Print(" + child + ")\nos.Exit(0)", nil // hopefully die() was standalone, and not "or die"
return "os.Exit(" + child + ")", nil
case *expr.PreInc:
// """In Go, i++ is a statement, not an expression. So you can't use its value in another expression such as a function call."""
v, err := this.convert(n.Variable)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "++" + v, nil
case *expr.PostInc:
// """In Go, i++ is a statement, not an expression. So you can't use its value in another expression such as a function call."""
v, err := this.convert(n.Variable)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return v + "++", nil
case *expr.UnaryMinus:
v, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "-(" + v + ")", nil
case *expr.UnaryPlus:
v, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "+(" + v + ")", nil
case *expr.MethodCall:
// Foo->Bar(Baz)
parent, err := this.convert(n.Variable)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
child, err := this.convert(n.Method)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
args, err := this.convertFuncCallArgsCommon(n.ArgumentList)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// FIXME need to support `this.currentErrHandler`
return parent + "." + child + "(" + strings.Join(args, ", ") + ")", nil
case *expr.PropertyFetch:
// Foo->Bar
parent, err := this.convert(n.Variable)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
child, err := this.convert(n.Property)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return parent + "." + child, nil
case *expr.Variable:
return n.VarName.(*node.Identifier).Value, nil
case *expr.ConstFetch:
return this.resolveName(n.Constant)
case *expr.Array:
return this.convertArrayLiteralCommon(n.Items)
case *expr.ShortArray:
return this.convertArrayLiteralCommon(n.Items)
case *expr.BooleanNot:
rhs, err := this.convert(n.Expr)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return "!(" + rhs + ")", nil
case *expr.Ternary:
cond, err := this.convert(n.Condition)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
iftrue, err := this.convert(n.IfTrue)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
iffalse, err := this.convert(n.IfFalse)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// FIXME this is (A) not idiomatic, and (B) doesn't work in assignment expressions
return "(func() unknown {\nif (" + cond + ") {\nreturn (" + iftrue + ")\n} else {\nreturn (" + iffalse + ")\n } })()", nil
case *expr.ArrayDimFetch:
// Might be x[foo], might be x[] (i.e. append() call)
// In order to make the append() transformation, we need to lookahead
// for ArrayDimFetch in the `*assign.Assign` case
vv, err := this.convert(n.Variable)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
if n.Dim == nil {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("found '%s[]' outside of lvalue assignment context", vv)}
idx, err := this.convert(n.Dim)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return vv + `[` + idx + `]`, nil // Same syntax as PHP
// binary
case *binary.BitwiseAnd:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `&`)
case *binary.BitwiseOr:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `|`)
case *binary.BitwiseXor:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `^`) // n.b. Go only supports this for integers; PHP also supports it for bools
case *binary.BooleanAnd:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `&&`)
case *binary.BooleanOr:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `||`)
//case *binary.Coalesce:
// TODO this can't be expressed in an rvalue context in Go (unless we create a typed closure..?)
case *binary.Concat:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `+`) // PHP uses + for numbers, `.` for strings; Go uses `+` in both cases
case *binary.Div:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `/`) // PHP will upgrade ints to floats, Go won't
case *binary.Equal:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `==`) // Type-lax equality comparator
case *binary.GreaterOrEqual:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `>=`)
case *binary.Greater:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `>`)
case *binary.Identical:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `==`) // PHP uses `===`, Go is already type-safe
case *binary.LogicalAnd:
// This is the lexer token when using `and` in PHP. It's equivalent to
// `&&` but has different precedence
// e.g. $a = $b && $c ==> $a = ($b && $c)
// $a = $b and $c ==> ($a = $b) and $c
// So far, we are relying on the PHP parser having already having handled
// the precedence difference - transform to `&&` unconditionally
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `&&`)
case *binary.LogicalOr:
// As above
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `||`)
case *binary.LogicalXor:
// As above
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `^`) // n.b. Go only supports this for integers; PHP also supports it for bools
case *binary.Minus:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `-`)
case *binary.Mod:
// Go doesn't have a built-in operator for mod - convert to a call to math.Mod()
rval, err := this.convert(n.Left)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
modulo, err := this.convert(n.Right)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
this.importPackages["math"] = struct{}{}
return `math.Mod(` + rval + `, ` + modulo + `)`, nil
case *binary.Mul:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `*`)
case *binary.NotEqual:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `!=`) // Type-lax equality comparator
case *binary.NotIdentical:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `!=`) // PHP uses `!==`, Go is already type-safe
case *binary.Plus:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `+`) // PHP uses + for numbers, `.` for strings; Go uses `+` in both cases
case *binary.Pow:
// Go doesn't have a built-in operator for mod - convert to a call to math.Pow()
base, err := this.convert(n.Left)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
exponent, err := this.convert(n.Right)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
this.importPackages["math"] = struct{}{}
return `math.Pow(` + base + `, ` + exponent + `)`, nil
case *binary.ShiftLeft:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `<<`)
case *binary.ShiftRight:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `>>`)
case *binary.SmallerOrEqual:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `<=`)
case *binary.Smaller:
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `<`)
case *binary.Spaceship:
// The spaceship operator returns -1 / 0 / 1 based on a gteq/leq comparison
// Go doesn't have a built-in spaceship operator
// The primary use case is in user-definded sort comparators, where Go
// uses bools instead ints anyway.
// Subtraction is a reasonable substitute
return this.convertBinaryCommon(n.Left, n.Right, `-`)
// scalar
case *scalar.Lnumber:
return n.Value, nil // number formats are compatible
case *scalar.String:
// We need to transform the string format - e.g. Go does not support
// single-quoted strings
rawValue, err := phpUnquote(n.Value)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
return quoteGoString(rawValue), nil // Go source code quoting format
case *scalar.EncapsedStringPart:
// The n.Value that we receive here does not contain quotes at all
// TODO what happens with embedded escape characters? Did the parser
// remove them for us already or do we just have to assume we are in
// a double-quoted-equivalent situation?
return quoteGoString(n.Value), nil // Go source code quoting format
case *scalar.Encapsed:
return this.convertEncapsedString(n.Parts)
case *scalar.Heredoc:
return this.convertEncapsedString(n.Parts)
case *scalar.MagicConstant:
// magic constants are case-insensitive
switch strings.ToLower(n.Value) {
case `__file__`, `__dir__`:
// These are normally used in PHP for finding the absolute webroot directory (e.g. dirname(__FILE__) in index.php)
// The letter of the law would be to replace them with the *.go file/dir
// We could even emit a runtime call to get the Go file/line: @ref
// But in practice, the current working directory might be preferable
return `""`, nil
case `__line__`:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", n.Position.StartLine), nil
case `__namespace__`:
return this.currentNamespace, nil
case `__function__`:
if this.currentFunctionName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("use of __FUNCTION__ outside of a function")}
return this.currentFunctionName, nil
case `__class__`:
if this.currentClassName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("use of __CLASS__ outside of a class")}
return this.currentClassName, nil
case `__method__`:
if this.currentMethodName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("use of __METHOD__ outside of a class method")}
return this.currentMethodName, nil
case `__trait__`:
if this.currentTraitName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("use of __TRAIT__ outside of a trait")}
return this.currentTraitName, nil
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized magic constant '%s'", n.Value)}
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported node type %s", nodeTypeString(n))
func hasModifier(modifiers []node.Node, search string) (bool, error) {
for _, mod := range modifiers {
ident, ok := mod.(*node.Identifier)
if !ok {
return false, parseErr{mod, fmt.Errorf("expected node.Identifier")}
if strings.ToLower(ident.Value) == strings.ToLower(search) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// applyVisibilityModifier renames a function to use an upper/lowercase first
// letter based on PHP visibility modifiers.
func applyVisibilityModifier(funcName string, modifiers []node.Node) (string, error) {
hasPublic, err := hasModifier(modifiers, "public")
if err != nil {
return "", err
hasPrivate, err := hasModifier(modifiers, "private")
if err != nil {
return "", err
hasProtected, err := hasModifier(modifiers, "protected")
if err != nil {
return "", err
if (hasPublic && !hasPrivate && !hasProtected) /* explicitly public */ ||
(!hasPublic && !hasPrivate && !hasProtected) /* no modifiers defaults to public */ {
return toPublic(funcName), nil
} else if !hasPublic && (hasPrivate || hasProtected) {
return toPrivate(funcName), nil
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected combination of modifiers")
func toPublic(name string) string {
nFirst := name[0:1]
uFirst := strings.ToUpper(nFirst)
if nFirst == uFirst {
return name // avoid making more heap garbage
return uFirst + name[1:]
func toPrivate(name string) string {
nFirst := name[0:1]
lFirst := strings.ToLower(nFirst)
if nFirst == lFirst {
return name // avoid making more heap garbage
return lFirst + name[1:]
func constructorName(className string) string {
return `New` + className
// removeParens removes surrounding parentheses from an expression.
// This is only safe in cases where there is ambiguously a single rvalue wanted,
// e.g. between ( and , in a function call argument
func removeParens(expr string) string {
for len(expr) > 2 && expr[0] == '(' && expr[len(expr)-1] == ')' && !strings.HasSuffix(expr, `()`) {
expr = expr[1 : len(expr)-1]
return expr
// asSingleExpression makes the expr into a single expression that is safe for
// embedding in a larger statement e.g. multiple string concatenation.
func asSingleExpression(expr string) string {
return `(` + removeParens(expr) + `)`
// TODO simplify this in cases where we can tell it is already a single expression e.g. quoted strings, number literals, variable literals, ...
func quoteGoString(s string) string {
if !strings.Contains(s, "`") && strings.Count(s, "\n") >= 3 { // TODO make the heuristic configurable
// Use backtick-delimited multiline string
return "`" + s + "`"
} else {
// Can't trivially represent it with backticks, or it's not multiline "enough" to bother - use full Go quoting
return strconv.Quote(s)
func (this *conversionState) convertEncapsedString(parts []node.Node) (string, error) {
// This is used for string interpolation: `echo "bar $ref";`
// And also for heredocs
// Child nodes are either EncapsedStringPart or expr.**
ret := make([]string, 0, len(parts))
for _, part := range parts {
pp, err := this.convert(part)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{part, err}
if _, ok := part.(*scalar.EncapsedStringPart); !ok {
// Subexpression - should probably parenthesise just in case
pp = asSingleExpression(pp)
ret = append(ret, pp)
return `(` + strings.Join(ret, ` + `) + `)`, nil
// resolveName turns a `*name.Name` node into a Go string.
func (this *conversionState) resolveName(n node.Node) (string, error) {
// TODO support namespace lookups
ret := unknownVarType.AsGoString()
if n == nil || n == node.Node(nil) {
return ret, nil
switch n := n.(type) {
case *name.FullyQualified:
if len(n.Parts) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("name has %d parts, expected 1", len(n.Parts))}
ret = n.Parts[0].(*name.NamePart).Value
case *name.Name:
if len(n.Parts) != 1 {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("name has %d parts, expected 1", len(n.Parts))}
ret = n.Parts[0].(*name.NamePart).Value
case *node.Identifier:
ret = n.Value // e.g. `array`
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected name type %#v", n)
// Handle class lookups
if strings.ToLower(ret) == "parent" {
if this.currentClassParentName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Lookup of 'parent' while not in an inherited child class context")}
return `this.` + this.currentClassParentName, nil
} else if strings.ToLower(ret) == "self" {
// Let it through as-is
// return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Lookup of 'self::' should have been resolved already")}
if this.currentClassName == "" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("Lookup of 'self' while not in class context")}
return `this`, nil
} else if strings.ToLower(ret) == "static" {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("'static::' is not yet supported")}
} else if strings.ToLower(ret) == "true" {
return "true", nil
} else if strings.ToLower(ret) == "false" {
return "false", nil
} else if strings.ToLower(ret) == "null" {
return "nil", nil
return ret, nil
func (this *conversionState) convertAssignAssign(n *assign.Assign, isTopLevelStatement bool) (string, error) {
return this.convertAssignment(n, n.Variable, n.Expression, isTopLevelStatement, `=`)
func (this *conversionState) convertAssignment(n, nLValue, nRValue node.Node, isTopLevelStatement bool, operator string) (string, error) {
rvalue, err := this.convert(nRValue)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
if dimf, ok := nLValue.(*expr.ArrayDimFetch); ok && dimf.Dim == nil {
if operator != `=` {
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("can't yet handle complex shorthand append assignment operator statement")}
// Special handling for the case of foo[] = bar
// Transform into append()
arrayVar, err := this.convert(dimf.Variable)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{dimf, err}
ret := arrayVar + ` = append(` + arrayVar + `, ` + removeParens(rvalue) + `)`
if isTopLevelStatement {
ret += "\n"
return ret, nil
} else {
// Normal assignment
lvalue, err := this.convert(nLValue) // might be a more complicated lvalue
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{n, err}
// TODO this may need to use `:=`
if isTopLevelStatement {
rvalue = removeParens(rvalue) // safe in top-level assignment context
// If this is a simple expression (func call; indirect/method call; assignment of func/method call) then
// we need to propagate errors
switch nRValue.(type) {
case *expr.FunctionCall, *expr.StaticCall, *expr.New:
if operator != `=` {
// We need to perform the variable assignment + err check, but we are in shorthand assignment context
// and can't just mess with the left hand of the expression
// Need to create a temporary accumulator variable
return "", parseErr{n, fmt.Errorf("can't yet handle err value extraction for function call in shorthand append assignment operator statement")}
ret := lvalue + ", err = " + rvalue + "\n"
ret += "if err != nil {\n"
ret += this.currentErrHandler
ret += "}\n"
return ret, nil
ret := lvalue + " = " + rvalue + "\n" // Just the basic assignment - with trailing NL
return ret, nil
} else {
return lvalue + " " + operator + " " + rvalue, nil // Just the basic assignment - without trailing NL
// convertToStmtList asserts that the node is either a StmtList or wraps it in a
// single-stmt StmtList if not.
// Loop bodies may be a StmtList if it is wrapped in {}, or a single statement
// if it is not; we want to enforce the use of {} for all loop bodies
func convertToStmtList(n node.Node) *stmt.StmtList {
if sl, ok := n.(*stmt.StmtList); ok {
return sl // It's already a StmtList
return stmt.NewStmtList([]node.Node{n})
func (this *conversionState) convertBinaryCommon(left, right node.Node, goBinaryOperator string) (string, error) {
// PHP uses + for numbers, `.` for strings; Go uses `+` in both cases
// Assume PHP/Go have the same associativity here
lhs, err := this.convert(left)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{left, err}
rhs, err := this.convert(right)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{right, err}
// In case of an rvalue assignment expression, we need extra parens
if _, ok := left.(*assign.Assign); ok {
lhs = "(" + lhs + ")"
if _, ok := right.(*assign.Assign); ok {
rhs = "(" + rhs + ")"
// We can elide even more parens in case of some commutative operators
// We can only do this in the left-associative case
// FIXME Plus and Concat aren't necessarily commutative together even though they both have + here(!!)
if _, ok := left.(*binary.Plus); ok && goBinaryOperator == `+` {
lhs = removeParens(lhs)
if _, ok := left.(*binary.Concat); ok && goBinaryOperator == `+` {
lhs = removeParens(lhs)
// Done
return "(" + lhs + " " + goBinaryOperator + " " + rhs + ")", nil
func (this *conversionState) convertFuncCallArgsCommon(args *node.ArgumentList) ([]string, error) {
callParams := make([]string, 0, len(args.Arguments))
for _, arg_ := range args.Arguments {
arg, ok := arg_.(*node.Argument)
if !ok {
return nil, parseErr{arg_, fmt.Errorf("expected node.Argument")}
rvalue, err := this.convert(arg.Expr)
if err != nil {
return nil, parseErr{arg, err}
if arg.IsReference {
rvalue = "&" + rvalue
if arg.Variadic {
rvalue = "..." + rvalue
callParams = append(callParams, removeParens(rvalue))
return callParams, nil
func (this *conversionState) convertArrayLiteralCommon(items []node.Node) (string, error) {
// Array literal
// We need to know the type. See if we can guess it from the first child element
// At least, we may be able to determine if this is a map or an array
entries := []string{}
keyType := unknownVarType
valType := unknownVarType
// TODO support unpack operator (...)
isMapType := false
for idx, itm_ := range items {
itm, ok := itm_.(*expr.ArrayItem)
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{itm_, fmt.Errorf("expected ArrayItem")}
// If there is a trailing comma in the definition,
// the parser produces an empty ArrayItem with no detail information
if itm.Key == nil && itm.Val == nil && idx == len(items)-1 {
if idx == 0 {
isMapType = (itm.Key != nil)
} else {
thisElemIsMapType := (itm.Key != nil)
if isMapType != thisElemIsMapType {
return "", parseErr{itm, fmt.Errorf("Can't represent array and map in a single type (idx[0].isMap=%v != idx[%d].isMap=%v)", isMapType, idx, thisElemIsMapType)}
vv, err := this.convert(itm.Val)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{itm, err}
if itm.Key != nil {
kv, err := this.convert(itm.Key)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{itm, err}
entries = append(entries, kv+`: `+vv+`,`)
} else {
entries = append(entries, vv+`,`)
if isMapType {
return `map[` + keyType.AsGoString() + `]` + valType.AsGoString() + `{` + strings.Join(entries, " ") + `}`, nil
} else {
return `[]` + valType.AsGoString() + `{` + strings.Join(entries, " ") + `}`, nil
func (this *conversionState) convertFunctionCommon(params []node.Node, returnType node.Node, returnsRef bool, bodyStmts []node.Node) (string, error) {
// TODO scan function and see if it contains any return statements at all
// If not, then we only need an err return parameter, not anything else
funcParams := []string{}
for _, param := range params {
param, ok := param.(*node.Parameter) // shadow
if !ok {
return "", parseErr{param, fmt.Errorf("expected node.Parameter")}
// VariableType: might be nil for untyped parameters
paramType, err := this.resolveName(param.VariableType)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{param, err}
if param.ByRef {
paramType = "*" + paramType
if param.Variadic {
paramType = "..." + paramType
// Name
paramName := param.Variable.(*expr.Variable).VarName.(*node.Identifier).Value
funcParams = append(funcParams, paramName+" "+paramType)
// ReturnType
funcReturn, err := this.resolveName(returnType)
if err != nil {
return "", parseErr{returnType, err}
if returnsRef {
funcReturn = "*" + funcReturn
// Build function prototype
ret := "(" + strings.Join(funcParams, ", ") + ") (" + funcReturn + ", error) "
// Recurse through body statements
if bodyStmts != nil {
fullBody, err := this.convert(stmt.NewStmtList(bodyStmts))
if err != nil {
return "", err
ret += fullBody + "\n"
// Done
// No extra trailing newline in case this is part of a large expression
return ret, nil
// hasInteriorAssignment recursively walks a node, to determine if it contains
// any assignment expressions
func hasInteriorAssignment(n node.Node) (hasAnyAssign bool, err error) {
err = walk(n, func(n node.Node) error {
if _, ok := n.(*assign.Assign); ok {
hasAnyAssign = true
return nil
return // named return