# serohiege ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-Javascript-blue) A proof-of-concept game implementing some certain mechanics. - Drop in/out four player co-op using HTML5 Gamepad API (press Start to join; tested with XInput-compatible controllers) - Melee and ranged attacks (use second analog stick) - AI, enemy spawning, sprite animation, collision detection, health, dynamic viewport, death animations... - Incorporates some assets sourced under permissive licenses, see LICENSE.txt for more detail. Tags: game ## TODO - Add features that were present in the inspiration game (drops, waves, level progression, persistence, menu)... - Windows binary using nw.js ## See Also - HeroSiege, the inspiration for the ranged attack mechanic: http://store.steampowered.com/app/269210/ - OpenGameArt: http://opengameart.org/ - Universal LPC Sprite sheet: https://github.com/makrohn/Universal-LPC-spritesheet ## Changelog 2015-10-04: r0 - Initial public release - [⬇️ serohiege-r0.7z](dist-archive/serohiege-r0.7z) *(1.95 MiB)* 2015-09-21: r0-private - Initial private release