2022-04-20 19:05:39 +12:00
2023-05-28 18:42:38 +12:00
define('MAX_CHARACTERS', 2950); // reduced from previous 5000
2022-04-20 19:05:39 +12:00
// Split at double-NL to only split at srt boundaries
$lines = explode("\n\n", file_get_contents($_SERVER['argv'][1]));
$nextbuffer = '';
$buffwords = 0;
$nextline = 0;
global $output_buffer;
$output_buffer = '';
function flushwords($text) {
// Counter
static $count = 1;
// Copy to clipboard
$xclip = popen('xclip -selection clipboard', 'wb');
$n = fwrite($xclip, $text);
if ($n !== strlen($text)) {
throw new \Exception("short write");
if (pclose($xclip) !== 0) {
throw new \Exception("xclip fatal exit code");
// Wait for signal that a response is ready in the clipboard
echo "Copied section #{$count} to clipboard, press enter to continue...\n";
fgets(STDIN, 2); // wait for NL
// Read from clipboard (has an extra trailing NL)
$resp = shell_exec('xclip -out -selection clipboard');
// Strip advertising lines and all trailing newlines
$resp = str_replace("Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)\n", "", $resp);
$resp = trim($resp);
// Add to buffer with 2x NL
global $output_buffer;
$output_buffer .= $resp . "\n\n";
do {
$line = $lines[$nextline++];
$linewords = strlen($line); // characters
2023-05-28 18:42:38 +12:00
if ($linewords + $buffwords > MAX_CHARACTERS) {
2022-04-20 19:05:39 +12:00
// flush buffer before adding
$nextbuffer = '';
$buffwords = 0;
$nextbuffer .= $line."\n\n";
$buffwords += $linewords + 2;
// echo "entry {$nextline} had {$linewords}, current total {$buffwords}\n";
} while($nextline < count($lines));
$nextbuffer = '';
$buffwords = 0;
// All flushed
// Write the final output
file_put_contents($_SERVER['argv'][1].'.en.deepl.srt', $output_buffer);