# terrapingit ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/written%20in-C%2B%2B%20%28Qt%2C%20libgit2%29-blue) A graphical git client. The application is designed to mimic TortoiseHg. The 0.0.20171023 release is pre-alpha - it can view history, and make commits, but is not really useful. ## License GPLv2 - This project includes GPLv2-licensed images from the TortoiseHg project - The application icon is based on [work by Matteo Della Chiesa](https://thenounproject.com/term/turtle/159969/) (CC-BY 3.0 US) ## Changelog 2017-10-23 0.0.20171023 - Initial development - [⬇️ terrapingit-0.0.20171023-src.zip](dist-archive/terrapingit-0.0.20171023-src.zip) *(38.24 KiB)*