2017-07-12 18:43:11 +12:00
package yatwiki
2017-07-09 17:20:10 +12:00
import (
func (this *WikiServer) routeArchive(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, revId int) {
a, err := this.db.GetRevision(revId)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
this.serveErrorMessage(w, errors.New("No such revision."))
this.serveErrorMessage(w, err)
pto := DefaultPageTemplateOptions(this.opts)
pto.CurrentPageName = a.Title
pto.CurrentPageIsArticle = true
bcr := NewBBCodeRenderer(this.opts.ExpectBaseURL)
pto.Content = template.HTML(
`<div class="info">`+
`You are viewing specific revision of this page, last modified `+
time.Unix(a.Modified, 0).In(this.loc).Format(this.opts.DateFormat)+`. `+
2017-08-13 17:51:44 +12:00
`Click <a href="`+template.HTMLEscapeString(this.opts.ExpectBaseURL+`view/`+url.PathEscape(a.Title))+`">here</a> to see the latest revision.`+
2017-07-09 17:20:10 +12:00
) + bcr.RenderHTML(string(a.Body))
pto.LoadCodeResources = bcr.CodePresent
this.servePageResponse(w, r, pto)