2017-10-15 19:58:04 +13:00
2017-10-15 19:58:04 +13:00

A semi-anonymous wiki for use in trusted environments.

As of the 20150901 release, a desktop version is available for Windows (based on PHPDesktop).

As of the 3.0 release, YATWiki is now a standalone server instead of a PHP script.


- Standalone server, easy to run
- Built-in SQLite database
- BBcode
- Diff page revisions
- RSS changelog
- IP-based ban system
- Article index, random article, download database backup
- Source code highlighting (thanks [url=https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js]highlight.js[/url])
- Optional integration with `contented` for file/image uploads

Written in Golang, PHP


You can start YATWiki by running the binary. A default configuration file and database will be automatically generated if they are not found.

`Usage of ./yatwiki-server:
  -config string
        Configuration file (default "config.json")
  -listen string
        Bind address (default "")


This package can be installed via go get: `go get code.ivysaur.me/yatwiki`
[go-get]code.ivysaur.me/yatwiki git https://git.ivysaur.me/code.ivysaur.me/yatwiki.git[/go-get]


2017-10-15 3.1.1
- Update `contented` integration (requires `contented` >= 1.1.0)

2017-10-08 3.1.0
- Feature: Support content upload to a `contented` server

2017-08-11 3.0.2
- Fix an issue with XSS prevention for web browsers other than Chrome

2017-08-11 3.0.1
- Feature: New `TrustXForwardedFor` config option for usage behind reverse proxies
- Fix an issue with article titles containing `+`
- Fix an issue with `[html]` tags
- Fix an issue with viewing history for unknown articles

2017-07-11 3.0
- YATWiki was rewritten in Go.
- Enhancement: Standalone binary server
- Enhancement: No longer requires cookies for error messages
- Enhancement: Add `norefer` attribute to outgoing links
- Improve performance of generating RSS content
- Removed support for ban-evasion codes and "download source code"

2017-06-24 r60
- Enhancement: Don't require `short_open_tag` in PHP configuration for new installs
- Fix a number of issues with handling of base URLs in links
- Fix a cosmetic issue with file caching for CSS content

2016-11-16 20161116
- (no public release)
- Enhancement: Always open the formatting help in a new tab
- Fix a cosmetic issue with display of backslash characters caused by Meiryo font

2016-08-24 20160824
- (no public release)
- Feature: Add Compare button to both top and bottom of article revision list
- Fix an issue with noncompliant HTML when comparing diffs

2015-09-01 r29
- Feature: Desktop version for Windows (based on PHPDesktop)
- Enhancement: Automatically determine whether HTTPS is in use, simplifying configuration
- Fix an issue with handling of base URLs in links
- Fix a cosmetic issue with document mode in Internet Explorer

2013-10-19 r20
- Enhancement: Include current-revision, diff-to-previous links inside RSS feed
- Enhancement: Change date display format
- Enhancement: Always diff in chronological order, regardless of selection order
- Fix a cosmetic issue with missing history/edit buttons when viewing an old page revision

2013-06-05 20130605
- Feature: Spoiler tags
- Feature: Raw HTML tags (the viewer must click through a warning to enable)
- Feature: IP bans
- Feature: RSS support
- Feature: Endpoint for accessing raw page content (`/raw/{pagename}`)
- Feature: Code highlighting via `highlight.js` (BSD license)
- Enhancement: Split change history across multiple pages
- Enhancement: Move formatting help to separate page
- Fix issues with blank-named pages, spaces in page names, and blank page content
- Fix some cosmetic issues on mobile browsers
- Fix a cosmetic issue when loading YATWiki with no database file

2012-03-24 20120324
- Merge into single-file
- Replace Markdown with BBCode formatting

2011-06-12 v1.1
- Replace flat-file article storage with SQLite DB

2011-05-03 v1.0
- Initial public release
- Flat-file article storage
- Markdown formatting