# yvbolt A graphical browser for multiple databases using [GoVCL](https://z-kit.cc/en/). This is an experimental application and you should generally prefer to use [qbolt](https://code.ivysaur.me/qbolt). ## Features - Native desktop application, running on Linux, Windows, and macOS - Connect to multiple databases - Browse table/bucket content - Run custom SQL queries - Select text to run partial query - Safe handling for non-UTF8 key and data fields - Supported databases: - Badger v4 - Bolt - Full compatibility via the upstream [etcd-io/bbolt](https://github.com/etcd-io/bbolt) library - Recursive bucket support - SQLite - Uses CGo if available or modernc.org if not - Redis ## License The code in this project is licensed under the ISC license (see `LICENSE` file for details). This project redistributes images from the famfamfam/silk icon set under the [CC-BY 2.5 license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/). This project includes trademarked logo images for each supported database type. ## Usage 1. `CGO_ENABLED=1 go build` 2. [Download liblcl](https://github.com/ying32/govcl/releases/download/v2.2.3/liblcl-2.2.3.zip) for your platform, or [compile it yourself](https://github.com/ying32/liblcl) (tested with v2.2.3) 3. Place the liblcl library file in the same directory as `yvbolt` 4. Run `yvbolt` and use the main menu to open a database ## Changelog 2024-06-23 v0.4.0 - Redis: Add as supported database - Badger: Allow creating in-memory databases - App: Allow selecting partial query text to execute - App: Allow closing database connections from context menu - App: Allow scrolling large content on Properties pane - App: Preload recursive navigation - App: Automatically switch to selected database when new connection is created - App: Add help website link - App: Add database logo images 2024-06-25 v0.3.0 - Badger: Add BadgerDB v4 as supported database - SQLite: Add support for CGo-free SQLite driver under cross-compilation - Bolt: Update Bolt to v1.4.0-alpha.1 - App: Add support for running custom queries - App: Add status bar showing currently selected DB - App: Fix missing icons in nav when selecting items - App: Fix extra quotemarks when browsing string content of database 2024-06-08 v0.2.0 - SQLite: Add SQLite support (now requires CGo) - App: Add images for menu and navigation items 2024-06-03 v0.1.0 - Initial public release