It's said that if you're not disgusted by code you wrote six months ago, you've stopped learning.

A graphical browser for Bolt databases using GoVCL.
Updated 2024-07-18 06:15:47 +00:00
A semi-anonymous wiki for use in trusted environments.
Updated 2020-05-03 06:27:47 +00:00
Wiki in Go
Updated 2018-12-31 05:57:05 +00:00
x11glove Archived
0 0
A graphical X11 inspector.
Updated 2021-04-12 01:41:30 +00:00
wtcget Archived
0 0
A scraper for the site that merges split images.
Updated 2020-05-03 06:52:42 +00:00
workarea Archived
0 0
A utility to set the desktop workspace area.
Updated 2020-05-03 06:52:44 +00:00
A sample web application project that can be adopted as a base
Updated 2020-05-24 08:13:43 +00:00
webdir Archived
0 0
A web-based directory viewer.
Updated 2020-05-03 07:07:06 +00:00
webcpl Archived
0 0
A web-based control panel for managing shared PHP virtual hosting.
Updated 2020-05-03 06:40:45 +00:00
A web-based interface for arbitrary command-line tools.
Updated 2020-05-06 06:14:28 +00:00
vcfdiff Archived
0 0
A command-line VCF parser and contact-aware diff utility.
Updated 2021-04-12 01:40:51 +00:00
utui Archived
0 0
A multi-user web interface for uTorrent.
Updated 2020-05-03 06:08:40 +00:00
ut2dc Archived
0 0
A uTorrent bot for an NMDC server.
Updated 2020-05-03 06:05:42 +00:00
useui Archived
0 0
A multi-user web interface for SABnzbd+.
Updated 2020-05-03 06:09:58 +00:00
A script to modify creation time flags in Gitea to match the oldest Git commit.
Updated 2020-05-24 08:13:56 +00:00

Members 1